As a small, grassroots organization, Animal Defense League of Arizona relies on volunteers like Squeaky the fax technician, who saved the day by alerting his human assistant to a paper feed problem.
Thanks to Squeaky and other volunteers, ADLA is able to ensure that 90% of each dollar donated goes directly to program services like our TNR service which Traps, Neuters, and Returns 15,000 cats each year. No organization is able to do so much for animals with so little.
On April 3rd, ADLA is participating in Arizona Gives Day – a 24-hour day of statewide giving, and would appreciate your support! Please help us spread the word or, even better, schedule your gift in advance here.
With your help more lives will be saved, and we’ll continue to work toward improving the lives of Arizona’s animals! Please share our message on social media or by email with friends.