Stop Attack on Statewide Spay Neuter Committee & Funding!

 Stop Bill to Repeal AZ Spay Neuter Funding Program!

Humane Society of Yuma

Update: Thanks for all your calls to your representatives! HB2031 was defeated in the House 17-42-1 but could be reconsidered. Check this site for updates.

The Animal Defense League of Arizona and Humane Voters of Arizona are asking for your help to stop a bill in the Arizona Legislature that would repeal the program that provides crucial spay neuter funding and oversight statewide. HB2031, sponsored by Rep. Alexander Kolodin, proposes the repeal of essential boards and commissions, including a number of boards in addition to the spay neuter committee.

Included on the HB2031 chopping block are the Spaying and Neutering Special License Plate (AZ Pet Plates), Companion Animal Spay Neuter Committee (CASNC), and the opportunity for Arizona residents and taxpayers to make voluntary contributions. All would be terminated, ending this very successful and effective program that was initially launched in 2004 with the creation of Arizona’s Pet Friendly License Plates, featuring the message “Pets Enrich Our Lives.”  Each plate purchase contributes $17 annually to spay/neuter funds, with $8 allocated to administrative costs. In 2017, a new opportunity was added, allowing Arizona taxpayers to make voluntary donations through their tax returns. These initiatives have played a crucial role in reducing the number of unwanted animals across the state.

This termination is being touted as a cost saver for the state, but that’s not true. These are not state funds – these are voluntary donations. Committee members who “staff” the committee are appointed by the governor and serve as volunteers. State administrative costs are reimbursed from donations in the Fund.

CASNC Chair Annette Lagunas

No money would be saved, but a crucial, successful program that provides financial support, expert program oversight from volunteers in government and nonprofit shelters, and the veterinary association for spay/neuters across our state would be eliminated. This would leave communities with limited or no resources to prevent the birth of unwanted animals, leading to an increase in homeless pets. Local shelters will then face higher costs and greater challenges as they handle the overflow of litters that would otherwise have been prevented.

Moreover, the valuable statewide communication and coordination provided by CASNC, which promotes best practices and shares critical information on spay/neuter resources, would be lost.

This repeal would be a devastating blow to efforts aimed at controlling pet overpopulation.

Read the press release from veterinarians with Asavet Charities here. Watch CASNC Chair Annette Lagunas and ADLA president Stephanie Nichols-Young testify at the committee hearing on HB2031 here (testimonies start at around 6:20 and 33 minute marks). Annette explained the history of committee, funding sources  and how it works. Stephanie discussed the value of the committee’s private sector network to provide spay/neuter, especially to rural counties and tribal communities.

Thanks to the efforts of animal protection groups, shelter leaders, veterinarians, and concerned citizens, HB2031 failed in the AZ House of Representatives by a landslide vote of 17-42-1. You can check how your two representatives voted here. However, following the failed vote, bill supporters used a procedural maneuver that allows HB2031 to be reconsidered, and a revote could take place at any time.


Please contact your two House members as soon as possible and politely ask them to Vote “No” on HB2031 on reconsideration. If your representatives voted ‘no’ on the bill, please thank them and ask them to continue to oppose HB2031. Let them know that the AZ Pet Plates program provides financial support for crucial statewide spay/neuter at no cost to the state. Investing in preventive spay/neuter programs saves taxpayers money by reducing the number of stray animals requiring shelter and care. Without it, Arizona risks increased pet overpopulation, higher shelter costs, and reduced public health and safety. Be sure to mention that you are a resident of your representatives’ district. Please share this alert with your contacts in Arizona.

Contact information for Arizona House members is here. If you’re not sure who your representatives are, click here. For questions or further information email us at [email protected]. You can sign up here for ADLA legislative updates and other news.

Thanks for your help!

Animal Defense League of Arizona

Humane Voters of Arizona

AZ Pet Plates