Outdoor Cats

Trap Neuter Return

The Spay Neuter Hotline offers the only viable solution to the exponential reproduction of cats on the streets of Maricopa County.

Fixing between 10 and 15 thousand cats per year and over 150, 000 cats since 2009, Spay Neuter Hotline TNR services bring together an amazing group of ADLA staff, volunteers and veterinarians who help neighborhoods stop the birth of homeless kittens by trapping and sterilizing cats and returning them to live out their lives in the colonies where they were trapped.

Submit a request for help with TNR

[Use request form for quickest response and to save schedulers’ time!]

Call 602-265-7729 (SPAY)

The Spay Neuter Hotline provides appointments for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) surgeries for outdoor cats at a number of veterinary clinics in Maricopa County.  Make An Appointment BEFORE you trap!

What is TNR?


Outdoor cats are humanely trapped. Most caregivers trap cats, transport them to clinic,and aftercare the cats themselves. However, volunteers may assist those who qualify for “trapping assistance”.  The traps we use are humane, “TruCatch box traps.” When you make an appointment, we will lend you traps and coach you on how to use them.


The cats are spayed or neutered by a veterinarian. This involves an ovo-hysterectomy for female cats- surgical removal of ovaries and the uterus  and castration- removal of the testicles for male cats.  These surgeries are sometimes called “fixing” your cat.

The left ear is “tipped” to identify the cat as fixed.  This procedure is performed while the cat is under anesthesia at the veterinary clinic.  This is a universal identifier of a sterilized outdoor cat.


The cats are returned to their original colonies’ location where caregivers may continue to provide food and water

What are the benefits of TNR?

– Ends the breeding cycle and stabilizes the population

– More effective and less expensive than extermination

– Reduces annoying behaviors such as spraying, yowling, and fighting.

– Helps end the suffering of unwanted, homeless cats.

-Reduces euthanasia due to the number of kittens flooding the already overburdened shelters.

To sign up for Spay Neuter Hotline’s TNR Program please complete this form: Submit a request for help with TNR  This is the fastest and most efficient way to contact ADLA’s schedulers! 

Questions? Check out the TNR Referral FAQ page

Need cat colony management tips? Visit Alley Cat Allies.

Thank you for helping stabilize the free-roaming cat population!